

Again many thanks for you insight, your healing work, and your blessings. You have so many wonderful gifts, and I am so fortunate that you are willing to share those gifts with me.

You have a rare talent in that you are extremely approachable, gentle and non-judgmental. Right away you made me feel comfortable in your presence, and I was able to open up to you and trust in the outcome. Nonetheless, behind that gentle and open persona is a tremendous amount of positive power and energy that comes through you in a wholistic, peaceful and non-threatening way.

My experience is that you are honoring who I am at this moment, yet also honoring what I can become. Your healing work is helping me get there, by letting go of what no longer serves me, and at the same time helping me to achieve my goals right now.

I am thankful for who you are and what you do. My life is moving in the right direction. Your assistance to me on my path is invaluable.
— Dawn Greene-Rogers

I just wanted to let you know how much you helped me yesterday. Thank you, thank you, thank you! During a time where I felt discouraged, you gave me hope that I can get my body balanced and healthy again! Yay!!
— Rachel S.

“There are times in our lives when we do not understand what or why something is happening. We may feel out of sorts and can˙t quite put a finger on it. Sometimes it takes someone other than ourselves to figure it out and move the energy for us. It was during such a time that I had the pleasure to work with Sally Hinkle.

Being of a metaphysical mind-set and a healer myself, I found Sally to be a consummate professional. Her gifts, while unexplainable to most, come naturally as she is a willing vessel. No boasting, no look what I can do. Simply put, Sally is a gentle, humble light being, living out her destiny, nurturing, coaching and healing through her spirit. If the need ever arises I will not hesitate to call upon Sally again.”

“If you believe that healing can happen without our consciously being able to understand how or why, if you believe in the mystery of exploration and discovery, I highly recommend that you plan to see Sally Hinkle. Perhaps we can’t always just think our way through the vast challenges of our lives, but we do know when we reap the benefits of Sally’s amazing and remarkable assistance! I know I did.”
— Barbara Sanders, Licensed Clinical Social Worker

I want you to know that the session yesterday with our daughter Katie was nothing short of amazing. Katie is happier, lighter, and doing the things that Katie loves to do. She had become so uninterested in everything, it’s so wonderful to see her diving back into life again. She worked in her garden this morning (I gave her our little flower garden as her own) for over an hour, and last night she picked up her trumpet again. She’s at it again today, playing her trumpet and loving it. Her eyes look clear and she looks changed. Rusty has noticed a big shift in her as well – even in her appearance.

I told her how I felt her guides and angels while I sat in on the session with her, and how the energy was so beautiful; I felt a real sense of honor being in the room with them and thanked Katie for allowing me to be there. She agreed that the energy was beautiful.

I also want you to know that I feel that you treated Katie with the utmost respect, explaining things to her, asking about her comfort, etc. I truly feel that your gift to Katie is life altering. I mean it. I am so grateful for you helping out our family. Thank you Sally, thank you, thank you, thank you.
— Julie Rust, Mom

Earlier in the year, in a way I would have not expected or wished upon anyone, an answer to my own personal universal question was answered. I never thought that my inclination of “something big is about to happen” and the question of “what is in store for me” would be served so swiftly and in a way that would change my life profoundly. At the halfway marker of the year, I found myself laid off from my distressing job, unsure of my living situation not to mention lack of security; unexpectedly and without explanation detached from what I thought was “big love” and in every way, or at least I thought, I was alone. I started meditating and reading about personal journeys and started embarking on my own. I feel when we are open to making a change in our lives, we are shown many paths. Mine came to me in an auspicious introduction to the Lotus Center.

It was brought to my attention several times that I might find some guidance and a helping hand at the Lotus Center. I took a leap of faith and believed in all of my being that something for my higher good was at work here and that all I needed was to take a little step of faith in this direction.

I went to Sally around this time, a time when I had hit a personal wall in my journey, letting my past grievances and fear of the future stop me in my tracks and steal precious time from me. I arrived to see Sally and we talked about what had lead me to her and also what had been happening in my life that I felt so inclined to change or take a deeper look into. I spoke to Sally about my tumultuous year and how I felt grateful for my journey, but sometimes it was painful and unclear to me the direction of my life and how I had gotten to where I was. We spent some time together chatting and then moved into the energy work. I didn’t know what to expect, but I also had nothing to lose.

I released absolutely everything I needed to and upon leaving Sally’s office, I noticed a lightness and peace in my being that simply put, I had never experienced before. Over the next few weeks my world started changing. I even, without a solid attempt put down cigarettes. Out of the blue I noticed one day that “hey, I quit smoking…when did that happen?” I was a heavy smoker prior to our meeting and the thought never crossed my mind to smoke after I left; case and point that all I needed was to clear out the muck. I was able to get some clarity about my personal journey and experience my life from a clearer perspective. Letting go and getting on your path is sometimes hard to do and the assistance I received from Sally keeps me in a constant state of gratitude.
— Suzanne Carver

(My cat) Doodles is doing so well. Upon your recommendation, I changed his food, putting two different bowls out for him so he could choose what he wanted for himself, and immediately he stopped pulling at his tail hair. He’s back to his affectionate self and follows me everywhere. I literally can’t get out of his sight. I think the skin sensitivity was making him irritable, forcing him to sit at the edge of the room I was in, so wanting to come near (he loves being “loved on” as I call it) but at the same time, not wanting to have his fur touched.

Thank you again, for spending so much time with us and helping to clear the old energies in the house, intuiting Doodles’s thoughts and interpreting the world we cannot see but only feel. It feels lighter to live here now … I’ve always loved my home, since the very first day that I stepped foot in it … but now the shadows no longer collect in the corners.
— Yvette Sechrist & Doodles

After my appointment with you at the Lotus Center, where we focused on clearing the creative space in my home and on aligning me with my passion as a musician, I followed the several simple but very clear suggestions to move, add or subtract objects from two rooms in my home. Shortly after, I got hired to work on a wonderful project with people I had not worked with in a long time, and soon after that I got to work with several people I had been hoping to work with for many years. Also a group I have been playing with for a long time has gotten more opportunities to play.

Meantime, my husband said the things I did – at your suggestion – to our living room changed the spirit of the room.

I really like the visual effect of the changes and the hoped for effect on my life!
— Toni Sehulster, Bass Player

“I really enjoyed listening to you speak about your work this morning. I come from a family where we always had a dog(s). I have been thinking about your ideas about pets and I am starting to draw distinct correlations between our dogs’ behaviors growing up and what was going on in the home at that time. I am also looking into my two present dogs in a different light (yes, all this in a span of a couple of hours). This is totally fascinating! Thank you so much for giving me that insight.”
— Tracy Roberts, Social Worker


“Can we slow this down a little?” I asked her. Sally Hinkle just smiled. You see, I went to Sally several months ago for a Work Alignment – one of those energetic things you’re never quite sure about but that sounds interesting so why not.

Sally just smiled. I’d gone from not having any work – at all – and none in sight for as far as I could see, to being overwhelmed with the best projects I’d ever been offered. I mean – the best! All of them out of the blue, none of this six to nine month sales cycle my work usually involves as a training and education designer. Consulting can be a hard row to hoe; feast or famine in the client load, and I frankly have bigger projects I want to do. Consulting has almost become the famed ‘day job.’

What on earth did she DO? I’m still scratching my head, even though I have a pretty good grasp of this field called ‘energy work,’ and really do ‘get it’ about how things need to align (after all, a lot of my work, when I have it, is about aligning stuff!).

Sally Hinkle is a native middle Tennessean who has always been a little – well – different. Immensely creative, she’s traveled the roads of the music industry, the film industry and the world of writing. And she’s dad-gum good in every one.

She’s just the best in this other stuff, too I tell you. And as a test, I’d referred a friend of mine, who is substantially more conservative than I could ever hope to be, and it worked for her as well. She’d been unemployed as a nurse practitioner for a long time, wasn’t even sure she should do that again, and within weeks of spending her time with Sally, got a job as a nurse practitioner, and within months of that, had climbed up the ladder to a position that’s just perfect for her. Another happy family; her husband is in the music industry and, like me; his work can be feast or famine. Maybe I ought to have Sally work on my cat, see if His Nibs the Emperor Feline can be a steady breadwinner? Never mind.

So, what is it that Sally does, and seems to do so well? If you saw the film “What The Bleep,” or if you understand quantum physics, or maybe even that arena some people call ‘woo-woo,’ it might be that Sally’s work in helping people put themselves in alignment with the energy of the work they want to do, and how they want to do it – all through subtle energy – is familiar. If not, let me paint a picture for you.

Unless you are a die hard who enjoys the misery you can create, you could – could – sit down and define the work you believe you are here to do and how it would look, feel, smell, and be if you were doing it the way you wanted to. You could write out a story about your new way of working. It’s like the order you write up to give to the universe. You might even have a standing order that the universe seems to ignore.

Why? Why aren’t you doing what you believe is your perfect pattern? It’s all about the alignment of myriad energetic forces. Some of them are out of alignment because of family patterns you inherit, or ways of managing your own energy. Some are out of alignment simply because creating and influencing alignment is not the job you are here to do. It’s Sally’s job.

My time with Sally was sweet, simple and profound. Turned out that from my small desk where I pound out materials, my heart was projected into an oak tree clear across the street; that there were some loops of energy that were disconnected. Shoot, I don’t remember what all was out of alignment.

What I do know is that within weeks of getting it in alignment, my new way of working began to come into physical reality in ways I’d never dreamed of. You ought to try it. You’ve spent a lot more getting a lot less for your investment. Believe me.

— Elizabeth Power, The EPower Institute