Dog Whispering (of sorts)

By many accounts, it seems among my strongest attributes in working with animals, particularly the ones we have in our family circle, is in validating another view of how they see themselves in relationship to us.

Some may say I am “personalizing” the animals a bit, but from the following stories you will see why I have come to this conclusion.

The take-away is ... No, seriously, pull up a chair and talk to your animals.

Dog WhisperingStory # 1 - Clinginess

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A client of mine had found a young dog in their neighborhood. Not knowing who it belonged to, she and her husband took it upon themselves to care for the dog until its home could be found. A couple of days later, after much upheaval to their normally placid routine, the dog’s owners were found and the puppy dog happily returned.

Right after this happening, the family’s own dog began to exhibit clingy behaviors, following my client room to room.  This went on for a few days before my client called to asked what was up. Was he ok? Did she need to bring him in for some energy work, something?

I felt there could be an easy remedy so we set up a phone time to talk. I asked her to give this a try to see if it would settle her doggy. “Imagine, from your perspective, the kinds of questions you would be asking if your husband or kids brought home another animal. Your dog sees you as a member of his pack, his family; and you’ve included him as a member of your family. Whether or not you are bringing another animal into the family, something has just happened that begs explanation. What’s up? Will that other dog be back? What do you want me to do with it? Are you replacing me?”

Sure enough, after speaking with her dog, the clinginess subsided and everything went back to normal.

Dog Whispering - Story # 2: Pooping In The House

A good friend with two beautiful and well-trained Rhodesian Ridgebacks - a male and female - called one day to say one of them was pooping in the house, and had been doing this behavior for about a week. Gradually she had been closing off rooms they were allowed in until it was down to only one. 

They both seemed and looked healthy, so what the heck were they trying to tell her?

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As soon as I arrived and looked into her male dog’s eyes, I saw sadness. I was perplexed by this and even asked out loud why he was so sad. 

After a few minutes of intuitively checking in on him, I asked my friend what was up with her.  It didn’t feel like this sadness was his, but an energy my friend was experiencing.

Tears began to flow as she explained two separate incidences involving grief and loss for her in the past few weeks.

This sad energy was very upsetting to her male dog.  He knew something wasn’t right with her, but didn’t have a frame of reference of how to be with it. So I asked her to speak to them, while I was sitting there, and share what had her heart so heavy. “Let them know,” I added, “that you’ll be ok, it will just take time for you to heal.  And, how they can help you with this sadness. One thing might be for them to play with each other in your presence. That always brings you joy.  And anything else you can think of that gives them something to do for you.”

As I was leaving that day, my friend asked if I thought it was ok now to let them loose in the whole house.  Had we resolved the problem? I shrugged my shoulders and said, “I can’t answer for them, but give it a try.”

Within the next few days, my friend was quick to let me know that there were no more pooping displays from the dogs.  All was good.

Cat Whispering (of sorts)

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The best cat story I have so far is from Eartha Kitty. She showed me a huge piece of information that I now include in my Top 10 list of ‘Check In’s’, no matter what kind of animal I’m working with.  

It all started with a seemingly crazy request: “Can you stop our cat from peeing all over the house when we go out of town?” I laughed at first, thinking “yeah, right!” However, liking the idea of a challenge, and knowing I'm usually the one they call when all other means have been exhausted, thought it wouldn’t hurt to give it a try. You just never know!

Eartha was the only cat out of a four-dog, three person family, or what she would call her ‘pride.’ She was the ‘elder’ of the animals and was around when the family brought home their baby girl.   

While sitting with Eartha Kitty that day in her room, it began to become clear to me that she saw herself as the “Alpha” of not just the animals in the family, but of the entire family.

During any given time, she was fully connected to and aware of everyone’s schedule, give or take an extra long work day or an overnight sleep over with friends. But when her people suddenly weren’t coming home and were gone for two, three or more days, her connection with them felt lost. She became worried, upset ... PISSY, literally!

So I suggested to the family, since they were about to embark upon a 10-day trip to Europe, to make it a point to connect with Eartha every day.  "Let her know you’re safe – all of you, that you’re having a great time, and you’ll be back home in however many days it is."  

Wouldn’t you know, that’s all Eartha Kitty needed from them. It worked! There were no smells or sightings of cat pee anywhere upon their return. Whew!

Harmony and Health — Creating Wellness for Our Pets

Harmony and Health – Creating Wellness for Your Pet

This is from an Only Natural Pet Store newsletter. *Please also see my comments included.


Most of us understand the basics of creating wellness. Health begins with a sound diet, exercise, and having fun with our loved ones. Our pets are important family members, like us in many ways, but with their own unique animal needs and abilities. Our pets give us so much – the unconditional love, joy and pleasure they offer us through their loving companionship enhances our lives and makes us healthier people. But it’s easy in the hectic nature of our lives to take our pets for granted and miss opportunities to nurture them for their optimal wellness. Creating wellness requires that we meet the basic needs we all share, and to honor the special needs of our pets.

We Are One, but We Are Not the Same

Pets have special nutritional needs, and are far more limited in their physical ability to deal with a poor diet and the toxins in our environment. With shorter life spans and smaller organ systems, its important to give them the best diet we can that suits their animal physiology and to limit their exposure to toxic chemicals in their food, and in so many household products we use. Consider choosing non-toxic household cleaners, natural cat litter, and safe non-toxic bath products to limit your pet’s exposure to toxic materials.

From the holistic perspective, the foundation of good health is a good diet. Dogs and cats need different food from what we eat, and many pets, particularly cats can have trouble digesting the grain-based fare (like that found in most commercial pet foods) that humans can tolerate. When their nutritional needs are met, pets have great vitality and abundant energy, and have better digestion and can maintain their appropriate weight, which are both causes of so many health problems of pets today. For more information on quality food for your pets, click below to read “What You Need to Know About Your Pet’s Food.”
We are fortunate to have in the Nashville area several stores that carry natural and organic foods and treats.  Some even carry raw products.  Among those I am familiar with:

Dizzy’s Dog Wash in Berry Hill

Happy ReTales in Brentwood

Nashville Holistic Pet in West Nashville

A good diet provides energy for a healthy activity level, meaning daily exercise. It’s easy to neglect the exercise and play needs of our pets, but the consequences can be severe. Beyond the impact on their health, too little physical activity can create a host of inappropriate behaviors and creates a great deal of stress for our pets. Dogs need daily cardiovascular exercise in the form of a walk or run.

Beyond the Basics – Understanding Your Cat’s or Dog’s Nature

Another way we can honor the unique needs of our furry friends is to consider their species-specific characteristics. Understanding the unique qualities of the feline and canine natures can help you create a home where your pet feels at ease and reduces their stress levels. Most cats crave freedom and autonomy. They want a safe space of their own and the ability to direct their own activities. Cats that feel thwarted in their ability to play, sleep, explore and interact on their schedule can experience health-damaging stress and develop some bad habits that create stress for everyone.

Dogs thrive on routine and want the stability of a secure hierarchy in the family “pack.” You are your dog’s leader, and when you don’t demonstrate this with consistent rules and routines that establish your leadership, dogs can become anxious and insecure about their role. Most dogs instinctively recognize our natural right to lead (after all, we control the food and their access to fun experiences). Lead your dog with calm authority and your dog will be much happier and healthier for it. Dogs that show over-protective tendencies, pace, or bark excessively are showing signs of stress that could be impacting their health as well as disturbing the harmony of your home.

There are many excellent reference books and books on training to help you understand and work with your cat’s or dog’s natural tendencies. If your pet is experiencing severe behavior issues, consider a consultation with a qualified animal behaviorist, training specialist, or energy therapist.

Emotional Stress and Illness

Beyond a good diet, exercise, and reducing exposure to toxins, the single best thing we can do for our pets (and ourselves) is to minimize the stress they experience. The mind-body connection has been well researched in human health, and emotional stress has a well-documented impact on our well-being. This is no less true for our pets, though the idea is not generally taken into account from the traditional veterinary perspective. Taking steps to reduce your pet’s stress can go a long way to creating wellness.

Some pets seem to be more naturally “high-strung,” which may be a breed specific quality or may result from their life history – a common story with rescued companions. Stress comes in many forms, including major life changes, stressful situations, and daily stress in our home and relationships.

Major life events like the addition of new pets or human family members, death of loved ones, house renovations, or moving can trigger stress in many pets, and the impact can be felt for many months after the change occurs. Cats can be particularly sensitive to these changes – even getting new carpet can cause a strong stress response in cats. Dogs are often particularly sensitive to events that cause shifts in relationships. It’s important to provide the “security blankets” our pets need during these times. Make sure the cat’s favorite pillow or blanket isn’t packed in a box when you move, and be sure each pet has their favorite toys available. When introducing new family members, spend extra time with your dog to confirm their continued high status with you and to insure that they don’t feel neglected.

Many pets experience repeating but occasional situational stressors, like going to the vet’s office, car travel, thunderstorms, boarding, family vacations, or visitors in the home. For major life events and situational stressors, there are many effective remedies that can help your pet cope with the emotional aspects of the situation. Pheromone-based sprays can work well to soothe pets during stressful times, and can be great for spraying on bedding or in crates during travel. For pets prone to extreme physical reactions like crying, nausea, vomiting or trembling, you may wish to consider herbal remedies for stress to help calm them physically. There are also several homeopathic stress remedies that work well, especially for pets sensitive to herbal products. Dogs that experience separation anxiety get much stress relief from interactive toys that keep them busy and distracted while you leave the house, which can help curb anxiety.

Worth special mention are flower essence products, which provide a great approach for many animals for a wide range of stressful situations. Flower essence blends are specifically formulated with essences most appropriate to address a specific emotional experience of the animal. Bach Rescue Remedy is becoming more widely known as the classic remedy for trauma and acute life stress. (You may find this on shelves at your Veterinarian as well as in pet supply and health food stores.)

You may also be interested to know that there are alcohol-free essences available for your pets from Green Hope Farm. In fact, they have their own line of ‘specific to animal’ essences called the Animal Wellness Collection.

The Ultimate Wellness Builder – Reducing Daily Your Stress for Your Pet

While stressful major life changes and trips to the vet (we hope!) are few and far between, one of the most profound sources of stress for your pet is perhaps the easiest to overlook – the stress that our pets absorb from us on a daily basis. One of the greatest gifts our pets give us is the comfort they provide to us every day. People with pets are generally healthier and live longer, because our pets not only provide companionship, but they literally absorb our stress.

Our pets are quite emotionally sensitive and are highly attuned to our moods. Animal communicators tell us that part of our companions’ “spiritual mission” is to help us cope with our emotions. It’s important to recognize that our own stress level is very obvious to our pets and can impact their wellness greatly. Many pet owners report that their pets share their emotional stress, and often share the same physical symptoms that stress creates for their own health. With that in mind, making a commitment to reducing your daily stress level is one of the best things you can do for your pet’s health.

Wellness is the result of many factors, and especially for our pets, nearly every one of those factors is under our control. Making sound decisions for our pets with regard to diet, exercise, and activities creates the foundation for vibrant health. Adding the essential element of reducing stress can help you give your pet a more joyous, healthier and longer life. With everything our pets do for us and our well-being, we owe it to them to return the favor and create harmony for them in every way we can. The time we have with our animal companions is precious in so many ways, and we have it in our power to honor that special bond through our commitment to harmonious living.

If you would like assistance in making good decisions for your loving companion, no matter their life stage, consider an informative and intuitive assessment appointment with me with your pet.  As an Animal Communicator and Energy Healer, I am able to access your pet’s own innate wisdom as to products, foods and remedies that will support their best health, emotionally as well as physically, thus saving you time and money in your quest to offer your pet the best care in all stages.